Friday, February 19, 2010

Jackson's big boy bed

Well, I finally gave in and we got Jackson his big boy bed. This was his first night in it. I got all teary thinking about the day we brought him home to this crib that is now his big boy bed. He did really well in it. He had a hard time going to sleep the first night but since then, no problems. So far it's been a smooth transition.
Thank you Lord for such amazing blessings!


Jackson is learning to do a somersault. This just cracks me up!

My two little boys -

All I can say is what fun!

My little baby is about to be ONE!

I can't believe how this year has flown. John Carter turns one next month. I can hardly stand it in some ways and other times I feel completely thankful we're moving into this fun stage. He is walking and signing and developing faster than I would have imagined. Lots of fun this next year I can tell.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

On the way to our Weiss family portrait session

This picture is amazing - we got all children looking, everyone smiling and we did it in about 10 minutes! Yeah...