Thursday, November 20, 2008


Jackson started mimicing the phone usage today. It was so funny! He thought he was really something "talking" on the phone.

The Day after surgery

Jackson has done so great with his surgery. You'd never know he even had it by looking at these pictures. It amazes me how well children heal at this age and how they are affected ( so very little) by major events in their lives. We as parents are the ones who really suffer! :) Actually if I could have scripted the day it would have gone just like it did. He has done so well! Thank you all for your continued prayers. They are working!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Jackson stole the hearts of the nursing staff at the hospital. Wouldn't you just melt with this face? Jackson was holding on to G-pa. How amazing is that image??

Again, God is in the details

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes early, traffic was clear and we got everything together this morning without incident. As a result, the case before Jackson's was significantly late. Had we not gotten there early, we would have had to wait more than an hour longer before Jackson's surgery and so I am very thankful for that. The clinical staff at St. Joseph's is just wonderful. They took excellent care of him and made me feel so at ease. Way to go St. Joe's.

This morning before Surgery

I thought Jackson might get a little fussy not being allowed to eat since last night's dinner at 6:30 but I tell you, he was such a trooper. He was playful and calm and just awesome all day. It just goes to show you what prayer can do - God is in the details.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Our little boy!

Ok, so most of you know Stuart and I are expecting a baby, we found out today it's going to be another little boy! How exciting!!! Here are his first pictures!

Love to everyone!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas ideas for Jackson

I don't know about you but I'm starting to Christmas Shop. Here are a few ideas for Jackson. He loves to put something in something else, e.g balls in a basket, and his therapist wants to encourage him to stand and play so that is why I picked out these two items. These are just suggestions.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is this not the sweetest thing ever?

I love to look at Jackson when he is sleeping. I never get up the nerve to take his picture. This is one of those pictures that I anticipate looking back on when he is 25 and I just remember these sweet days of his "baby-hood."

Monday, November 10, 2008

My happy little boy!

Jackson is one of the happiest people I know. He almost never cries, has a great disposition and smiles almost always. Isn't it neat how God knits our personalities together before we are even born. Amazing! Just Amazing!

Finally a new update!

These were taken from October 25, and yes we are still loyal Auburn fans! War Eagle!!