Friday, June 26, 2009

Learning to feed himself

Ok, so I've really been reluctant to let Jackson learn to feed himself for obvious reasons. However, I've given in and now he will only eat if he can feed himself. Not the best at it, but he is a determined little guy! I love it!!

John Carter

He is growing so and it's so neat to see him develop. It's also a bit bitter sweet because he's growing up too fast.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Radio Flyer Man

Jackson loves water!


Ok, with a 22 month old and a 3 month old, blogging hasn't been my highest priority, but finally here are some updated pictures of my gang!

We'll start with Luke's graduation: It was also Stuart and I's 5 year anniversary so it was a good night.

Next, my little helper: He has taken to household chores which I thoroughly embrace!

Our half naked cowboy! Note the John Deere Cowboy boots :)