Saturday, August 30, 2008

War Eagle

It's game day and I have my game day outfit on! War Eagle!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on our urology appt.

It looks like we'll wait another couple of months and then have his procedure in November sometime. Sounds fairly routine but anytime you put a 15 month old under general anesthesia, I get a little concerned. God is good all the time and I totally trust Him for Jackson's perfect health! Thanks for the prayers!!
Love to all!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer Requests

Tomorrow 8/25 Jackson sees his urologist. Pray that God will give Stuart and I peace about the decisions we need to make and that Jackson's health and ultimate healing would be made perfect in Christ!

So studious

Already, so studious! :) We've deemed the rocking chair, our reading chair. I read the book to Jackson, then he takes it and chews it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

So Proud of himself

Jackson is so proud of himself. Oh my goodness, he loves to pull up and then look back at you to see how proud you are. Self esteem is not lacking. I pray that is always the case.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Birthday pictures!

Movin' on up!

Jackson is learning to move in new ways. He's learned to climb the first stair and he's just starting to cruise around the couch and coffee table. We wanted him to move and that's just what we've gotten. :) Oh and in addition to learning to move, we now brush our own hair. He is so proud of himself and I am too!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jackson's well visit

Jackson had his one year old well visit yesterday. He is 29.5 inches and 22 pounds and 2 ounces. Both of which are in the 40th percentile - right in the middle of the curve. He got 4 shots yesterday, one of which was the chicken pox vaccine. Today he is a little warm and his cheeks are flushed but otherwise just perfect. We are so thankful for a happy healthy little miracle! Love to all!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Jackson learned to give kisses today. Stu taught him how and they are mighty wet but none the less sweet! He opens wide and kind of sticks his tongue out and kisses you. Quite funny but I loved it! By the way, let me paint a sight in your mind today. When I got home from work, Helena was leaving and told me Jackson was sitting in his chair. I walk in to find my little punkin rockin in his chair - so proud of himself with a big smile and of course clapping! Happy little thing!

My rubik's cube

I solved my rubik's cube tonight! You thought I was smart didn't you? :) I just know how to use technology. Actually, I found a website that told you every move to make to solve it. Yeah!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Jackson

I can't believe he is one. Wow, as my Dad put it yesterday, the origin of Jackson seems like it was just the other day. We've had a birthday week and we're all exhausted. Jackson is so tired. He was totally overwhelmed by the birthday (so were Stuart and I). We had almost 30 people in our house and Jackson made out like a bandit. Lots of presents!!! Thank you everyone!

Let's talk about the cake. Not a fan of the cake - at all! He didnt' like being messy and didn't like the cake. Totally anticlimactic!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

One of his new outfits

Jackson has one of his new outfits on... and so cute! He loves to pull up now and really isn't satisfied unless he's pulling up on something. Quite fun!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The chunky monkey

As I said before Mema and Aunt Kate brought Jackson all kinds of goodies recently. Here is his pile of loot with one of his new outfits on... My little chunky monkey! :) Thank you a ton! We are so grateful for your love and goodies!!!